Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Little Big Man

I can't believe it's been 2 months! The time has just flown by, and little Ben is growing by leaps and bounds and doing one amazing thing after the other - but I may be biased. We had our 2-month appointment today and all is well. He's a big baby boy, weighing in at 15 pounds and 6 ounces - or "off the charts" as the nurse practitioner told us. What can I say, we made a big baby!

We had our first round of shots today, and he did such a good job! I know I was more upset than he was, but it was scary for mommy. I mean, they just come in there and jab him without much of a warning or anything. Bam, bam, bam - 3 shots in a minute. He screamed, but then I picked him up and he calmed right down. Of course the rest of the day he's been a bit more irritable and achy, so we've had our first experience with baby Tylenol. So far, he likes the grape flavor the best.

Well, I have so much more to share - like the birth story, the first weeks home, how much I miss adult interaction, etc...but I need to go to bed and get a few hours of shut-eye before the little man wakes up for his middle of the night feeding.


Anonymous said...

Yay! An update...I was beginnning to wonder...j/k! I know how it is! Glad to hear you all are doing well. Hope we can get together soon!

RZ said...

Aw, I didn't know you miss adult interaction! I've been wanting to call, but I'm worried that I'll interrupt a much-needed nap or something. If you start going stir crazy or just need some (semi) adult conversation, you can always call me! I even have my own office at work now, so I can actually talk. :)

Breezy said...

Good job Ben!!! and Wahooie! for updates!

CindyLooHoo said...

OK... you have gotten your sleep now. Fill me in on the stories!!!